Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Youtube Boob at last.

I did it, I caved. I made a youtube account.  And besides, I'm a budding Digital Cinema Major so why not get my work out there? I won't put everything i've ever done up, just the best of the best of what I've done. I only have one thing up from college so far and it's by no means at professional quality (there are a few kids that I've had classes with that are far better than I) but I hope you all enjoy regardless.

See you at the movies,


Here it is-->

Monday, February 21, 2011

I think we might be almost there.

It looks like I might be able to get this to work.  There was an option to upload a video straight from the computer which this is an attempt of.  There is also an option to load a video from a youtube account and that might be the more practical way to go.  If this works, my next post will be my first project from AD121: Intro to Digital Cinema from the winter semester of 2009.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Possible Renovations

I'm thinking I might make this a site for all my videos that I've made. I'll re-name it of course, as well as give it a new tag line. I don't know if I need a youtube account also to initially host the videos? I'm going to look into that though because writing is only my minor. My Major is Digital Cinema and I like making videos (and acting in some of them) as much as I like to write. Besides, it would be good to have an online portfolio that I could show a potential employee someday. So I think that's what I'm going to do. I don't know how soon but I do know I think that that is what I want to do.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ponders on film

Just some thoughts today...nothing deep or humourous...trying to decided what to do with this assignment of mine. I for the most part, am done filming my video project for class friday. Now I just need to edit. This can be a tedious task involving long hours and many cans of caffeinated beverages. If you plan ahead of time for what direction you would like your film to take, then piecing clips together during the editing process is much easier. Often times, I don't do said planning step. This time however, I've left myself a couple of routs that I can take. To save on both, time and your sanity, I will spare the details of these routs. Suffice it to say that one of these routs takes some more planning while the other of the two allows me throw some random clips together with little to no intention on direction and come out with just as good of a result as the first option. Fortunately, the theme of the assignment is speed manipulation. This will enable me to slow down a few of the clips as well as speed up some other ones that together, will hopefully create a semi-successful video; that's the plan anyway.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thank you Mick Jagger!

Today at work the fire alarm went off. I work at the Desk in the lobby of my old dorm. For those who aren't familiar with some dorm lobbies, this particular lobby has a dorm on either side. The RD of my old dorm cam down to inform me that it would be going off and gave me fair warning. This was much appreciated and I proceeded to get my set of deskie-issued ear plugs and inserted them into my ears. Not to long after, the fire alarm did indeed go off. When the RD came and shut it down, I was under the impression that the noise was done with, and it was...for a while. Then the fire alarm went off in the other hall. This, I was not prepared for. No one came down and told me it was going to happen. But then soon after that, a wise songwriters lyrics echoed in the back of my head, "you can't always get what you want."

A bit of psychology comes into play here. I was conditioned to think that because one RD warned me about the fire drill, that the other one would as well. But that isn't always the case. Sometimes we get warnings about alarms in our life (isn't it great when that happens?) and sometimes we don't and we need to be prepared for when we don't.

This, too, was random.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Here we go again.

Well, here we are, a few weeks into the new semester and a month into 2010. I'm sitting in english class as I type this, a class that I am unfortunately retaking. Don't ask. Suffice it to say that I've very nearly been put back a semester now and I plan on taking summer classes to catch up. And I'm minoring in writing so to be retaking an entry level class doesn't paint the best picture. To honest though, I do love writing (obviously or I wouldn't be minoring in it) and I don't completely mind taking this particular class over again. Furthermore, this particular version of the class is different from the one I took before and I wish I would have taken it from this teacher the first time around.

She's a character and, no offense meant to the other teacher, a lot more pleasant to learn from. To be fair though, the first teacher I had was a grad student and was still figuring out her teaching style. The teacher that I have now has been at this for a while. We are going over Essay Structure at the moment. I guess the more I think about it, the more I realize that this is good for me and that a good writer knows that one is never done learning, that it is an ongoing process.

And you know what? I look forward to the rest of this semester in this class:D That was random.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Smoked Cheese and Germ-X

I feel like Time and I have been having this constant battle at keeping up with each other. I guess a race would be a more appropriate comparison. I was way ahead in the early years of childhood and kept the lead strong all throughout elementary school.  I was still ahead in middle school having a grand ol' time but the gap wasn't as significant as it once was.  In high school I still maintained the lead but not by much.  My freshman year of college was when it happened.  We were tied.  Since then I've been trying to keep up, attempting to pace myself, with little effectiveness.

As I started this blog out, I was sitting at work, eating Smoked Cheese.  Cheddar to be specific.   Quite good!  And I was visited by some people whom I shared with.  But what kind of a memory is that?  That happened yesterday.  I mean sure, Smoked Cheddar is good but that and remembering that I wanted to pick up Germ-X with Aloe in it because we're out at work aren't really life changing memories.  Maybe it's because I don't really do much.  You know, because I have homework all the time so I'm cooped up in my room.  Though this is my fault, I feel like I should just get up and say, "Hey!  This is too much right now!!"  Of course I don't do that.  

I can see Time in front of me, mocking the fact that it has passed me by.  I haven't lost yet though.  I still have a few years before I'm out of here.  A few more years to catch up.  At the very least tie.   A tie would be nice.