Sunday, November 8, 2009

Smoked Cheese and Germ-X

I feel like Time and I have been having this constant battle at keeping up with each other. I guess a race would be a more appropriate comparison. I was way ahead in the early years of childhood and kept the lead strong all throughout elementary school.  I was still ahead in middle school having a grand ol' time but the gap wasn't as significant as it once was.  In high school I still maintained the lead but not by much.  My freshman year of college was when it happened.  We were tied.  Since then I've been trying to keep up, attempting to pace myself, with little effectiveness.

As I started this blog out, I was sitting at work, eating Smoked Cheese.  Cheddar to be specific.   Quite good!  And I was visited by some people whom I shared with.  But what kind of a memory is that?  That happened yesterday.  I mean sure, Smoked Cheddar is good but that and remembering that I wanted to pick up Germ-X with Aloe in it because we're out at work aren't really life changing memories.  Maybe it's because I don't really do much.  You know, because I have homework all the time so I'm cooped up in my room.  Though this is my fault, I feel like I should just get up and say, "Hey!  This is too much right now!!"  Of course I don't do that.  

I can see Time in front of me, mocking the fact that it has passed me by.  I haven't lost yet though.  I still have a few years before I'm out of here.  A few more years to catch up.  At the very least tie.   A tie would be nice.

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