Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thank you Mick Jagger!

Today at work the fire alarm went off. I work at the Desk in the lobby of my old dorm. For those who aren't familiar with some dorm lobbies, this particular lobby has a dorm on either side. The RD of my old dorm cam down to inform me that it would be going off and gave me fair warning. This was much appreciated and I proceeded to get my set of deskie-issued ear plugs and inserted them into my ears. Not to long after, the fire alarm did indeed go off. When the RD came and shut it down, I was under the impression that the noise was done with, and it was...for a while. Then the fire alarm went off in the other hall. This, I was not prepared for. No one came down and told me it was going to happen. But then soon after that, a wise songwriters lyrics echoed in the back of my head, "you can't always get what you want."

A bit of psychology comes into play here. I was conditioned to think that because one RD warned me about the fire drill, that the other one would as well. But that isn't always the case. Sometimes we get warnings about alarms in our life (isn't it great when that happens?) and sometimes we don't and we need to be prepared for when we don't.

This, too, was random.


1 comment:

  1. Life really is funny like that, isn't it? I find the best inspiration in randomness. What about you?
