Sunday, March 29, 2009

2/6/09 Music Trip--On The Ride Back

Ok so, here I am sitting in a restaurant in Escanaba.  I'm glancing around the room and my eyes settle upon a fellow student's watch.  It has a brown strap, similar to his hair, the brown part, not the strap.  That would be weird if our heads had straps.  What would we do with them exactly?  Would we attach things to our heads such as... oh my... can't think of--OH WAIT!  In foreign countries like Africa where they carry bowls and whatnot on their heads... or for people who have big afros and the people are like, "Today, I don't want an afro," or for the people who's hats blow off in the wind.

I just said the word "fooding," oh dear...No thought, this is bad.  This is very, very bad, as in not good as in...I lost the game.  The cake is a lie.

So I was walking into this place and a lady asking (why did I write, "Asking?"  Hmmm.) She was holding the door open for the person behind me.  I knew this.  This was not anything new.  So she was holding the door open (not for me), and I walked through and say, "Thank you."  And she said, "I wasn't holding the door open for you."  Who says that though, I mean really!?!

These cheese curds are amazing!!... You know when ice sticks to the bottom of the glass?  That is really annoying!!!  When is our food getting here anyway?  Wow speak of the food.  I spoke and there it is, that's creepy.  Time to eat; Goodbye :D

Saturday, March 7, 2009

T.M.I. -- Too Much Information

I don't really know how to start this one off.  I never really know how to name these.  This first one, it seems, is appropriate to title, the same as the blog it occupies.  T.M.I. -- "Too Much Information."  A tour of sorts or "A play by play of life as it happens..." (because life is where we get our story ideas from, whether it's our life or someone else's), "...In past and present tense" (because lets face it, when it happens isn't always when we get around to writing it.

Incidentally, TMI happens to be my initials.  True to my initials matching up with the title of this blog, I feel like that cartoon of the guy and the chicken standing in the elevator and there's a thought bubble over the chicken that says, "Man, this is going to be awkward" and that awkward moments truly do define my life.  Now I believe that it is my duty to share these with you for all of those who are privy to my situation, or would like someone else to laugh at for a change.  I'm not saying I'm funny...far from it...that's for you to decide.

Warning: before you proceed.  This, and what is to come, are all just my thoughts and opinions, and maybe a few fun facts as well.  I may time jump just a little bit, (hence the past tense) but I'll date those differently from the date of the blog.  Maybe that would have been self explanatory but I thought I'd put that out there just in case.  Anyway, it's all just in good fun...dont' take me to seriously (but a little bit seriously would be nice :P...)  With that said, enter at your own risk.  Good Luck. God Bless. Have Fun. And see you at the end of the tour, wherever that will be.

Until Then,