Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Youtube Boob at last.

I did it, I caved. I made a youtube account.  And besides, I'm a budding Digital Cinema Major so why not get my work out there? I won't put everything i've ever done up, just the best of the best of what I've done. I only have one thing up from college so far and it's by no means at professional quality (there are a few kids that I've had classes with that are far better than I) but I hope you all enjoy regardless.

See you at the movies,


Here it is-->

Monday, February 21, 2011

I think we might be almost there.

It looks like I might be able to get this to work.  There was an option to upload a video straight from the computer which this is an attempt of.  There is also an option to load a video from a youtube account and that might be the more practical way to go.  If this works, my next post will be my first project from AD121: Intro to Digital Cinema from the winter semester of 2009.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Possible Renovations

I'm thinking I might make this a site for all my videos that I've made. I'll re-name it of course, as well as give it a new tag line. I don't know if I need a youtube account also to initially host the videos? I'm going to look into that though because writing is only my minor. My Major is Digital Cinema and I like making videos (and acting in some of them) as much as I like to write. Besides, it would be good to have an online portfolio that I could show a potential employee someday. So I think that's what I'm going to do. I don't know how soon but I do know I think that that is what I want to do.